Thursday, January 13, 2005


在和期中考+期末考合體大魔王決戰了近半學期後, 終於結束了.
有鑒於上學期期末念不完, 這學期改採老師教到哪, 我就唸到哪的策略, 結果是唸到哪忘到哪...
下學期不知要如何了, 但從小到大, 考試這種東西通常都是"船到橋頭自然直"吧
但可以肯定的是, 以後要早點睡

總之, 這學期期末考了8科, 另有2科沒考試; 其中大爆炸2科, 小爆1科
有種比上學期糟糕的感覺, 但等到總成績出來再說吧.

但卻每次考完都因為懶, 或是其他原因而沒有一次真正的完成所有的目標.
這次索性不計畫了, 結果一考完, 看著PDA上空空如也的todo list, 有種異常空虛的感覺.
今天吃完晚飯後, 就龜到誠品, 把有興趣的雜誌全翻過一遍(圖書館的雜誌我有興趣的不多而且已經看完了), 然後買了一本痞子蔡已經出了很久的"最新小說".



Anonymous said...

I got your card, but on it you were wondering why you hadnt recieved any gmail invites.

Sorry it took me awhile to respond I've been a little busy

I made the microwave burn out its motor and five minutes later I set the toaster over on fire. well thats just great

anyways tell your little sister I said hi.

I'll check back every so often to see how you're doing.

intellidryad said...

seems like you are having a little fun with fire... :P

Well about gmail...I ment that I was wondering why google haden't given me invitations to GIVE OUT since I already hadmy account for a while.
But now I have a small wealth of them that I don't know who to give. It feels a little weird giving them out to strangers, and some of my classmates aren't intrested.