Tuesday, February 21, 2006

PocketMod: The Free Disposable Personal Organizer

It is said to be the next best thing to a PDA. Some even say that it's better then an electronic organiser. Behold, the PocketMod!

Some people just don't like electronic, or some feel that they like the feel of pen and paper. Well, here's a great way to get organised, and save money on dayplanners.

PocketMod is actually a flash application that helps you lay out all the stuff need for your organiser on one piece of paper. You design your own, print it out, fold it, find a pen and get going! You've got no learning curve for input, since it's just pen and paper; it's even lighter then any other organiser you could find on the market, because it's just a piece of paper! So, for all those who want an alternative to pocketbooks and PDA, enjoy!

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