Friday, October 15, 2004

心情: Trying not to think about it...

Oh boy
I guess I have a tendancy to think too much when I'm alone
and usually thinking about bad things

Funny that I can seem all that happy and optimistic in front of others
But extreamly melancholy on my own

Joined the bike club today
just to find more friends
and find stuff to do on the weekends
cycling with others seems healthier then moaning for yourself alone in the library
busy doing something would let me forget about it...
at least while I'm doing it...
which means I could be temporally be happy for a while
expecially bike riding or swimming(like I did yesterday)
feeling the speed of the air or the water flowing past me
Guess I'm using the feel of speed for what people use drugs for-- to forget about the sad stuff
Speedaholic I am.

Speaking of addictions
The volume of my clie(which I use as a walkman) is constantly rising
frequency of listen also rising...
musicaholic I am, also.

Damn, why can't I just enjoy life?


Anonymous said...

Try to get your papil~ in mind that you desied for a long time, and you might not begoing to feel lost oe lonely...^^
just some advice:P

intellidryad said...

You know what
What/who you mentioned WAS what I ment by "it" in this post.
Guess you should see my past post:"Tonight..."

~Loneliness reflects mainly a lack of intimacy~