Wednesday, October 13, 2004

心情: Tonight...

Have been anticipating tonight for days
But things just don't go the way you want them to

With this suddenly obtained free time
I suddenly don't know what to do
since I don't assign 2 tasks to the same time period

Went to renew my swimming pass for another year
I guess there's no better way to pick your self up when you feel down

After some physics problems(for the next day's damn test)
I went to the pool and dive in
And rats, I feel weak after not swimming for the past month
Right foot hurting from yesterday's bike ride
Left leg's gastrocnemius also starting to hurt because it's keeping up with the Joans...
But so much is going on in my mind that I not only forgot about it but can't even swim in a stright line, bumping left into people and right to the lean dividers
Hay, what's going on with me?

Oh boy, so much for "the big day"
Once again, all I can do is keep on waiting

Maybe I am a fool...

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