Monday, October 11, 2004

Biochem HW of Oct 12

1.p10~What is the pI of the dipeptide Lys-Arg (The three pKa of Lysine are 2.2, 9.0& 10.5 and those for Arginine 2.2, 9.0& 12.5)?
(我也不會算耶,課本好像只有教amino acid的 pI算法 (p84)没教dipeptide的算法)
(~今天(Oct 15)老師草草率率的教了一下...)

2.What is beta oxidation? What is the outcome of the beta oxidation of Serine?(Note: Thr Trp can also undergo beta oxidation)
>為何我查到的beta oxidation 是lipid的反應?

3. Find the dielectric constant of Methanol, Benzene, Acetone; compare them with water(dielectric constant=80) (and discover the magnificance of water~like, yeah right)
>tip: check here
|Methanol (77° F) 32.6
|Benzene (68° F) 2.3
|Acetone (77° F) 20.7 / (127° F) 17.7 / (32° F) 1.0159
|~None is higher then water

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