Saturday, September 04, 2004

just a note

耶 觀站人數破百了!

但怎麼沒幾個人回文呢?(ok, 事實上只有一個)

另外, 若是同學用Anonymous回文
若能加住一下自己的綽號或ptt id


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on haivng over 100 visitors:)
i was wondering whether to type in English since the blog is full of English stuff(as well as computer buzzwords,whlch i often get confused with),but finally i make this decision for it might be a good chance to improve my poor English.
something funny inside the blog such as the article about "TERMINAL" while Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors.he's excellent performances also can be seen in "u've got the mail," "the green mile," and " eureka" etc.i haven't seen "terminal" yet but surly i'll spend money on his movie.
well,intellidyad's blog is kind of intellectual, as for me, i've seen "intell-" everywhere not only in the blog name but also in other articles, and i wish i could get more "intelligence" by visiting this blog while slangs and computer buzzwords won't bother me anymore:D
p.s. welcome to pick any holes in my poor English's a great honor.

intellidryad said...

Thanks for the comment, you are the 2nd one to post one(after shindohikaru, you know who), and you've got great courage to post in english. Since you posted in this language, I'll reply in English, too.
Thanks for your praise on the "intelli-" thingy, I guess my blog has turned out some what educational? Just kidding. And you've reminded me something. I've been quite unfair with "the allocation of resources", and the number of English posts have became over whelmingly big. Yes I should increase the numbers of Chinese posts. And I wonder if there would be a day when I would finally be able to post Japanese posts...

intellidryad said...

Icetimer, if you really want me to pick holes in your post, here is a revised version of your post(except the first paragraph which has no errors), correction are in capital leters.
THERE'S something funny(I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BY FUNNY HERE) IN the blog such as the article about "TERMINAL" while Tom Hanks is one of my favorite actors.HIS excellent performances also can be seen in "u've got the mail,"(IT'S ACTUALLY "YOU'VE GOT MAIL" WITHOUT "THE") "the green mile," and " eureka" etc.i haven't seen "terminal" yet but surly i'll spend money on his movie.
well,intellidyad's blog is kind of intellectual, as for me, i've seen "intell-" everywhere not only in the blog name but also in other articles, and i wish i could get more "intelligence" by visiting this blog while slangs and computer buzzwords won't bother me anymore:D
p.s. YOU ARE welcome to pick holes in my poor English's a great honor.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for ur advice.
u gonna post Japanese? Give me a break!
well,even though i'm Japanese illiterate,
my Japanese friends might be the best guiders. Maybe ur articles would become world-famous.
uhh,in fact,i know a little French,would u like me to add more spice to ur blog?(Just kidding!)
