Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Amazon MP3 Dowloads!!

Finally an online music store without the DRM. No "iPod only", no share limits, they don't care what you play the songs with, the songs you bought are finally truly yours.

If I ever wanted to buy songs online, Amazon would be my first stop. One problem is that I listen mostly to Japanese music, and there's not much English songs that I like. Maybe someday if I come upon a nice song on Pandora.com, I'll buy it. Also, doesn't feel too good to pay to the music companies that goes on suing kids for MP3 downloads, that's another reason I have been staying away from English songs for the last 2 years...

On the good side, it's because Amazon doesn't carry the songs I like, and it's not as easy to get J-pop CDs here as in Taipei, so that I could save my money that used to spend on music :)


Maybe some one would think that I like Apple, why not just buy from iTunes? Will, I am not an Apple fan boy, and I prefer Apple computers; when it comes to music players, I like Sony hardware better. Thus I prefer a music store that doesn't tie to iPods.

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