Sunday, September 28, 2008

Barszcz czerwony (Polish red Brosh soup/波蘭甜菜湯)

On a visit to the Polish town just north of the Olde city part of Philly last week, a Polish friend introduced me to a lot of Polish foods. I thought, hmm..., interesting stuff, so I brought home a soup pack that she told me is "closest to authentic Polish taste". Well, here it is, looks like some funky red soup to me, mmmmm... weird looks are what make it interesting. Feeling adventurous? Here we go!

My friend said it's made of red beat roots (甜菜), called brosh, I guess. She said it's slightly... spicy. That kind of red looks more sweet then spicy to me, but unexpected looks are all the more intriguing to me. Cool, I don't understand a word on the package, except that I know the soup is of a popular global brand (Knorr), commonly known as 康寶 in Taiwan. But it's made in Poland, and it should taste Polish, and that's all that matters.

To avoid the soup being nothing but flavored H2O, I chopped up some onions and green onions. Some how my instinct tells me that onions would be just the right addition to European soups :P

Hmm... it's really, really red... (自言自語:「是色素嗎?不,一定是花青素!哎呀,都一樣是一堆苯環啦!......越想越可怕,不管了,煮了它!XDD 」)

Ooooo... that is one bloody pot :D


It tastes... amazing, it's sweet (I guess I threw in so much onions that it's turning into sweet onion soup), tangy, and slightly sour. It feels a little creamy in the mouth, too. Should have got some bread to go with this, this is so nice ^^

Now I am a believer, this thing is awesome! ほん〜どうまい!

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