Sunday, October 03, 2010

[Coffee notes] Hawaii Kona Moki's Farm, roasted 9/28 by Peregrine coffee

Hawaii Kona beans of Moki's farm ordered from Peregrine coffee, roasted Sep 28.

Got the beans approx. 5 days post the roast date, thus this should be when it tastes best.

Ground with hand mill to a thin powder. A strong creamy smell while grinding.

Brewed with Vacpot, water slightly over boiled.
Beans were light brown, yet the resulting coffee is quite dark.
Hint of blueberry smell about 30secs into brewing. No special notes afterwards.
Little cream seen when coffee drops into the bottom pot.

Resulting coffee tasted dry with little oil. A little burnt flavor when hot.
Nutty flavor, thin body, very low in sweetness. No farther change in taste after cool down.

Should try:
Lower water temperature to avoid burnt tone. Longer extraction time to try to get some more body out. Dryness and lack of oil seems unfixable.

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