Monday, February 22, 2010


I need a compact camera that can fit in my pocket. My H9 is too bulky for everyday use, it's more like a camera for travels; plus, the shutter button is going bad, one minute it's working, one minute it's not.

The sensor needs to be big, I'm tired of the noise that the minute 1/2.5" CCD on my H9 generates. Night shots are horrible.

And as always, I only use cameras with dials to access manual shutter speed & aperture controls fast. Buttons are a pain. View finders are also a must. Call me old school, I never liked framing with a screen.

Seems that my choices so far are:
Canon G11: still too big
Canon S90: if only it has a view finder
Panasonic LX3: Where's the dials???
Olympus EP2: I could tolerate a larger camera if the lens is interchangable... but what's up with the price that's way higher the DSLRs?
Samsung TL500: I never liked Sammy, but before I can even question if they make good cameras, I noticed there's still no view finder.
Sigma DP2: The senser size is great, but then again, where is the f***ing view finder???

Somehow, I wish the Sony V3 is still available...

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