原來裡面塞了那麼大一盒東西,肥到背包關不起來還要綁繩子...... 這就是玩過童軍、單車社、單車露營旅行之後的人想從1.5英里外騎單車買家電回家的瘋子會做的事。Kids, don't try this at home!
剛拆開包裝一看,赫然發現一張吊牌「Charge 3 hours for 6 minutes of use」。靠,花大錢敗入最高級英國名牌Dyson的入門款,竟然每次充飽只能爽6分鐘?!附的是一顆我筆電的電池一樣大的鋰電池,沒錯,就是筆電用的那種電池。我的筆電用3小時,這傢伙6分鐘就吸乾乾了,可見這顆馬達超耗電的阿!原來超強吸力是用暴力法達成的orz
使用時三顆很亮的電力顯示LED使它更炫,更像外星人武器。同時,透明集塵筒中的毛屑、灰塵會集成一顆小球在裡面轉啊轉,展現Dyson當家的cyclone technology。
Sunday, May 31, 2009
[半開箱] Dyson Root 6 六分鐘短暫的強大吸力
Posted by intellidryad at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: techies
Friday, May 29, 2009
然後冰箱從第一天開始就塞了5大包「還滿大條的小魚乾」,到他舊房間去更是滿屋子的小魚乾味 orz 結果幫忙搬家時,每走進他房間我就忍不住一直念「さかな、さかな...♪」(魚的日文發音)。
Posted by intellidryad at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Labels: mood
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
我胡思亂想會在市中心十字路口犁田...... 今天差點就給他出車禍解脫了orz
Posted by intellidryad at 4:34 PM 4 comments
Labels: mood
Monday, May 25, 2009
Posted by intellidryad at 9:35 PM 1 comments
Labels: mood
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
This book has been popular for quite a long time, and it sure has been lying around my apartment for several months before I got the time to read it. It is until this month that I've finished all the classes, exams, and slowed down on my paper reading a little to have a chance to give it a good read. It really is a nice book that I'd recommend reading. It's amusing, entertaining, simple, gets you thinking and fills you of courage to face the challenges in life; and it's short, I finished it in one afternoon, and then a morning.
The Alchemist is a story of a boy who goes on a journey to follow his "personal legend", in other words, the challenge his is born to face, the reason of living. All's colorful and straightforward like a child's story, yet it is full of lessons and insights. In this way it remind's me of Saint-Exupéry's Le Petit Prince(The Little Prince). There's event after event in a fast past that keeps you going on to the next page. There's no chapters, depriving readers of excuses to let go of the book for a rest. All in all, it keeps you flipping to the next page until you finished the whole book, satisfied, feeling full of wit.
But then the twist comes several hours after you finished and put down the book. You suddenly realized that the boy in the story had his life too easy to be true. The major moral of the story is "when you are following your personal legend, the whole universe conspires to help you." Yet, from experience, we know that even if you are full of enthusiasm, confidence and drive, you'll never have an easy life. Yes, several factors would add up in your favor, people would help you, but life always deals you with cruel failures, one after another, until you finally give up or stand through all of it till the goal. This story here feels like an RPG game where you've obtained the cheat code and entered "God Mode". Actually, in the story, god (I use lower case because the god in the story wasn't specifically from any existing religion) is directly helping the boy. (人家說「如有神助」,這還真有神助?!人家齊天大聖孫悟空都沒你偉大......) Everything went so smooth, god had someone point out the way when the boy is in doubt; god has someone help him when the boy needs it; god put omens in front of the boy that's too easy to spot. God has helped the boy through every single challenge so easily that it no longer is a challenge. Heck it's easier for the boy to survive bandit threats then you getting Verizon to honor your DSL modem warranty. It's easier for the boy to get a girlfriend then you to order a pizza from Pappa Johns'. Life without struggles is not real life. This is in stark contrast to The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini, in which the main character is dealt with despair after despair, it is not until the final few pages that he found a little happiness in life that we are so fortunate to have taken for granted.
Posted by intellidryad at 6:02 PM 0 comments
Labels: books
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saving up by making yourself believe you are poorer then you really are
Checking your credit card balance more often then your savings account balance kind of helps you focus on what you have spent, not what you saved; thus activating your feeling of guilt more often.
Funny yet effective.
Posted by intellidryad at 8:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Google's CEO Eric Schmidt: "Turn off your computers!"
There you have it, it's at 11:30 of the video. Google CEO Eric Schmidt talking at Penn's graduation commencement. "Turn off your computer, and discover all that is human around you."
Interesting that it's coming from him.
Posted by intellidryad at 8:05 PM 2 comments
Labels: thoughts
Quote note
You might be winning when you think you are losing; you might be losing when you think you are winning.
Things are not what they seem to be.
Posted by intellidryad at 2:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Is this the end of free Credit card rewards?
Well, here's my take. I use plastic to avoid coins and change, and like it that my spending record is done for me. I use a specific card just because of the cash back, from which I just got a notice for the cutting back of cash back. I liked it when there is cash back, but I can live with out it. Credit cards are a convenience, not a necessity for us penny pinchers. Charging fees from this group of consumers would be much harder then from irresponsible people or people who really need the credit to borrow money. Once you throw away the benefits and introduce charges, it's time to say good bye. It's a free market, we can always look for other credit card companies, use debit cards, for fall back to cash. It is until then, we will see who needs who more.
This is a country of greed, big greedy corporations trying to squeeze out whatever's left out of the middle class and the poor. In a twist, this economic crisis is a nice punishment to the greed.
Update: Here's the details:
NY Times | Dealing Consumers a New Hand in Credit Cards
Posted by intellidryad at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Evening workout ride
Posted by intellidryad at 5:43 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Posted by intellidryad at 7:04 PM 3 comments
Labels: Biking, Photography, Travels
Notes on life decisions
Do, not dream.
Proceed, don't chicken out.
Posted by intellidryad at 11:02 AM 2 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Plastic bags no longer free?!
Posted by intellidryad at 6:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
勝ってるがどうが、とにかく やって見る
ka t teruga douga、tonikaku ya t temiru
不管贏不贏得了 、 總之 試試 看
僕 は 僕 の 力 やって見ます
boku wa boku no chikara ya t te mimasu
我 呢 自己 的 力量 試試 看
說到鉄平,木村拓哉主演,果然木村不管到哪都是那個招牌髮型啊XD Wiki查了一下忽然想到,木村拓哉所屬偶像團體SMAP裡好像還有之前酒醉裸奔事件男主角草彅剛嘛~「裸だったら何が悪い?」XDD (小譯:這是草彅剛對巡邏警察說的名言:「脫光了有什麼不對?」......好像扯遠了orz)
Posted by intellidryad at 8:54 PM 1 comments
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
I saw this last friday, why writing about it this late? I'm kinda busy, kinda lazy, I guess...
I never liked the other X-men movies, they were much better in the TV cartoons as I remembered. But this one is all about Wolverine, my favorite character back in the time; and all my friends are going; and I don't have anything better to do that night, so why not?
Well, I'd say this. The previous X-men movies were boring, guys in funky tight suits discussing irrelevent stuff, I once saw it on a flight while channel surfing, watched for 10 minutes and decided it was so boring that I wanted to kill my self.
Now this Wolverine movie is light years better.
Action packed? You got it.
Entertaining? Definately.
Wanna see it again? No.
Will, yeah, you get flashy special effects, sound effects were kind of gimmicky, and Wolverine sure is popular. But wait, how about the story line? No, I am not going to spill the beans here 'cause there's not much to spill. The story is dead simple, kill, kill, kill, and save the princess. Yup, your typical boy's cartoon story plot formula.
About 20 minutes into the story I started to realize it was the conventional formula, so I started to look for something else to focus on. And as soon as the iron claws showed up, I got my eyes glued to it.
Wow. Just wow.
Wow...... looks like plastic claws with metallic paint, yup, just like that cheep silver colored electronic you get from Walmart 5 years ago. How did they made the "plastic claws" so life like? after deep contemplation, I decided it's because real iron ware would be so shiny that it'll show reflections of the surroundings. In the movie, the reflections were only specifically drown on there in close-up shots. Other then that, it's all shiny, in a fake, plasticky way. I am sure doing the reflections all the time would shoot up the animation cost at least double what it was, but I just can't help it, my brain was shouting "Plastic! Plastic!" through out the last 2/3rds of the movie.
So what's good about this movie? Well, it's nice if you really have nothing else to watch, or if you love plastic... Girls seemed to like the leading actor...... now what, it this a chick flick?
Whatever, not my cup of tea.
Posted by intellidryad at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
一青窈 上一張專輯「Key」中的第13首,整張專輯最喜歡的一首歌。從去年五月買了CD回來後,一直到現在百聽不膩,還越聽越有味。
一青窈寫的歌詞總是如詩如畫,但正因為如此,總要拿著歌詞本跟著念個幾十遍才會懂。這情況下CD附贈的「僅供參考」中文翻譯很少有幫助的,甚至偶而有誤導作用。這首「栞」(書籤)跟唱了快一年,歌詞還是很多不懂的。主旋律中「栞はさんだ僕」直翻好像是「書籤 夾著 我」,主詞受詞怎麼配都感覺不對說orz
Posted by intellidryad at 7:11 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Bike rentals in European cities
Posted by intellidryad at 10:25 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 01, 2009
Good Luck!
Posted by intellidryad at 11:25 PM 3 comments
Labels: stupidity
Express shirts
Express Men 的襯衫真的好棒,材質平順有光澤,觸感舒服不易皺;花紋簡單大方;領子不需要特別燙就已經很挺,而且領子的剪裁也很有sharp look的感覺;MX1 shirt系列還會多送一組鋁合金collar stay,可彎折來微調領子的角度;原價$50,只要換季拍賣時就可以用$16買到。
而且,重點是很容易買到Made in Taiwan喔(這年代我不知道哪裡還可以買到台灣製的衣服)。
去年特別喜歡香蕉共和國的襯衫,條紋設計有沉穩內斂的感覺,但比較難搭配,很容易皺(還很難燙回來),而且全部 Made in China。然後特價都還要$30,只有運氣好時找到真的賣不出去的清倉貨才會低於$20。(Made in China不是為了cost down嗎,還賣比較貴?)
Posted by intellidryad at 9:06 AM 6 comments
Labels: fashion