Saturday, December 04, 2004

Comments: On Fortune telling...belivable?

Fortune telling, horoscopes, tarot cards and the like have a common problem. I'm not saying there's any thing wrong with fortune tellers, I tend to believe that most of them do their best to give you a picture of the future.
Some people think these things are unbelevable, because "they're un-scientific", "just a matter of probability"or "myths". But although they are not proven (and unprovable) by modern scientific methods, they are also un-disprovable, you can't design a good experiment and directly prove them wrong. We don't even know if there are any of those so called "powers"or "channels". Which I would consider limitations of modern science.

Well then, ARE they believable? Read on.
The big problem of fortune telling actually comes from this unanswerable question. Just because people are unsure, most people(well the people that have learned what is science, that is; people who don't might just believe it) tend believe WHAT THEY WANT TO BELIEVE. If people were told they well have bad luck, they pascify them selves by thinking: "That's not true, after all, fortune telling isn't scientific." On the other hand, if people were given good news, they would say: "Sounds reasonable", and tend to believe it. This is just what people are best at, selective faith. It's analogus to the reaction "I can't believe it!" when some thing bad happens to somebody. I guess it's something that evolved to lighten psycological stress on our brain.

So, if you want to be a respectable fortune teller, you not only have to be good at your profession, but you may also need to know a little psycology. (Is this why I more often get good readings then bad reading from my horoscope?)

And as clients, I would just take it for fun. Getting reading and waiting to see if it'll come true is kinda fun and exciting. But be careful not to spend too much time on these stuff and relating websites. If you spend most of your time here, the bad part of your readings might come true just because you aren't doing good use of your time. (some thing like getting an F on exams :) )

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