Saturday, June 27, 2009



Sunday, June 21, 2009







Saturday, June 20, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009


Some links to sites that would suggest some unusual points of interest in Yellowstone. I want to visit some places that your typical tourist wouldn't visit.

By the way, maybe it would be fun to think outside of the tourist mindset:
Think not where are the most popular points of interests, but what I want to see, what I want to do...... What I want to get from this trip. I want stories of experience from a trip, not just checking out points as if collectibles. Maybe someday you meet a new friend: "Oh I've also been to Yellowstone" Your typical tourist would say "I went to here, here and here", and the new friend would go, "Oh, I also went to here, here and here". Yet it would be great if you said, "oh, I did this crazy thing there and saw this and that..." Stories are always better then bullet points.

Hmm... I want to try kayaking or rafting, swimming in the wild, hiking in the backcountry. And if I could find a foldable mountain bike, definitely want to try that too, in the REAL Wild, Wild West.

Info on bears
I guess I scared someone with a book that's intended to be funny...... (oooh, bears love that Sneakers bar in your pocket......) so here's some information on how to avoid bears:
Yellowstone backcountry
Backcountry planner (pdf file, this contains the best, complete instructions)
Short intro on Bear encounters
I guess we should get some bear spray (pepper spray)

Info & documents to get hold of
  • A good map
  • Bear info (got it)
  • Backcountry permit
  • Wolf observation sheet
  • Watching Yellowstone & Grand Teton Wildlife by Todd Wilkinson

Monday, June 15, 2009



Friday, June 12, 2009

Being on the under dog network is fantastic

People always complain about Sprint customer service, and people were leaving in droves.

I did the opposite, I signed up for Sprint when they are in the most need for customers. I guess they've learned their lesson, I've just got the best customer service call experience, ever. Very easy to reach a real human to answer questions, representative was nice and helpful, call was picked up after just one ring tone, and problem was resolved in minutes.

Now that is respect.

In contrast, Verizon DSL is the worst.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Palm Pre is a huge disapointment.

  • It lags just as bad as the iPhone, albeit much better then the G1
  • The apps/functions that come with the device right out of the box is only half of that of similarly priced feature phones
  • It takes at least 5 seconds to launch the calculator (typical app launch time, partly due to the fact that Sprint's demo video is running in the background, wanting to launch it self every 5 minutes)
  • Multitasking is great, but it runs out of memory fast
  • It's very difficult to select text for copy & paste, even harder to figure the short cut to do the copy & paste. To copy a sentence, to takes me 2 secs on my Palm OS Clie, 3 secs on a Sony Ericsson flip phone (that's just $50 with T-mobile contract), but 30 secs on a Palm Pre. 25secs of that is just to get the touch screen to select the right segment of text.
  • There's only 2 language options: English & Español
  • The PDF reader & document reader is only for email attachments, you cannot download a PDF file from the browser and read it (no paper reading on this phone)
  • WebOS 1.01 still has some bugs, the copy & past short cut doesn't work

Wednesday, June 03, 2009



搬家時,搬了一整箱啤酒跟兩大袋的米過來。兩袋米裝滿了一個大型登山背包(塞得下睡袋帳篷跟一整個月份衣服的那種背包)orz 本來以為搬家前先把家中食物吃完是基本常識,原來只是自己的習慣。

日本有個小說家筆名「馳 星周」,室友也是有一整套。這筆名會不會太搞笑了?日文小說,就算整句都會念,整段的意義我還是看不懂啊~




Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Goodbye Jay Leno~

Last Friday's NBC "Tonight show" was the last day of Jay Leno hosting the show. Jay was host for the past 17 year, ever since I've know the show existed.

See it here if you are in the US