另外,deadline 12月1日的學校全數解決!!!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Posted by intellidryad at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: mood
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Self note
Real good friends are hard to find
Treasure it.
Posted by intellidryad at 9:32 AM 2 comments
Labels: mood
Monday, November 27, 2006
Geeks rejoice!
I saved this beloved computer!
我個人倒是去幫過不少人處理電腦問題,不過都是男生 LOL
PC just don't work, get a Mac, dude!
It does the job.
Posted by intellidryad at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
What the hell?
Something has resurrected from deep down in the subconscious, and started to pester my moods and friendships. I want to bury it even deeper, beyond the subconscious, into oblivion, never to surface again.
Yeah, I picked the easy way out, but it seems to be the only way out if I don't want to crash.
Oh, maybe I should really go get a big fluffy pillow...
Posted by intellidryad at 4:06 PM 1 comments
Labels: mood
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Posted by intellidryad at 7:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Friday, November 24, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Dreams of the future
Life in the near future still comes in various possibilities. I admit that I am someone who likes day dreaming, and to the point that I would be logging it here.
I guess 2 factors affect my projections greatly: my job determines what I do, and relationships define my lifestyle.
First of all, it comes to my grad school applications, if I am accepted, I would be devoting most of my life to scientific research. It's pretty much what I have been trained to do in the 4 years in college. If I am rejected by every program, then I will be finding a job, maybe a biotech sells, or something related, jumping into a totally new way of life. I am now working on the way to grad school, hope I could succeed, yet predict that I would have a 60% possibility of getting admitted, and a 40% possibility of jumping into the employment market.
The other main aspect is love. Actually, I predict a 90% possibility of staying single into the next few decades. In that case, other then my job, I would be focusing wholely on my self. I would be geekier then ever, devoting most of my income to "tech toys", think Honda, Sony, Apple, Cannondell... Maybe even get a small condo of my own, furnish it up with style. The other 10% possibility? I have no idea, yet as a guy, of course I really hope to have a soul mate to share my life.
Posted by intellidryad at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: mood
Monday, November 20, 2006
Application package mailling
國際快捷 (Express Mail Service, EMS) ,300g 以下每件300元 (含掛號)
若沒那麼趕,大可不必去花那600~700 給 UPS 寄
UPS 主要是速度快 (2天) ,而且可以上網查進度
大客戶簽約有優惠價,UPS 運費600變400
總之,早點寄就不必多花錢在高級快遞公司上XD (心虛)
不過,在3間學校距離deadline 10 天的狀況下,我還是寄了郵局的國際快捷
管他的,就跟他賭了,申請「備胎學校」就是這樣用的,若全沒上,那大不了直接就業。以前都被灌輸狂唸書賺好生活,但現在覺得,人懂得越多,責任越重,壓力也越重。社會上中產階級一堆也生活幸福阿~~ 念博士是對於好奇心與新知的追求,想要用學位混個輕鬆好生活錢又多的,醒醒吧!
Posted by intellidryad at 8:21 AM 3 comments
Labels: knowledge
Prolink chain lube & stuck links
After 2 months in California, I came back home this summer to see that my bike's got a stiff chain with links rusted stuck. I thought it was because I was using Prolink's chain lube, which doesn't have much oil in it, and left it there without use for 2 months. It's said that Prolink chain lubes don't contain oil, but contain "metal protectant particles" and "lube particles".... So I thought, maybe next time I leave my bike a long time without rides, I should add some normal "wet oil" to keep rust away. I also blamed it on my busy schedule before going to LA: I went on a long ride for 5 days, and soon after I came back home, I was off to the US, leaving me no time to clean my chain.
Yet, after a month of busy school work, grad school applications, lab work, and no rides, my chain links got stuck again: this time, even the main gears rusted. Then it struck me: It was the salty moist air! When I kept my bike at my dorm in Taipei, I could keep my bike there with no ride nor oil, yet no rust occurred. Yet, here at home, in Keelung, it's right next to the sea, so while sitting at home, it was actually exposed to the salty sea air everyday.
OK, so what could I do? Maybe just lube it more often, I guess.
As for applying for the dorm this semester, the lady at the desk told me "Not yet!" when she saw me, faster then I could walk to her desk. I guess by going in to ask every week, she now recognizes my face. Like: "I seem so eager, so why don't you just assign me a dorm room ??" :D
Posted by intellidryad at 7:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: knowledge
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
My Clie TH55 crashed in picsel viewer today. It crashed when it was in my backpack, and, due to a test I had to take and a report to type on my Macbook, I didn't notice the crash until 5 hours later. The baby was already overheating all over after being on for 5 hours, and be it soft reset, hard reset, or warm reset, I could not help it as the reset button was simply dead. The battery died out about 10 minutes later.
I was scared. It was never apparent how you are dependent on something before you really lost it. And sure enough, this handheld is the companion that I am most attached to in the whole world. A true geek I am, I am not attached as much to any family member nor friend nor girl as my Clie. In some ways, it's even more important then full sized computers. It truly goes everywhere I go, does everything almost instantly, stores truly personal stuff, and was ultra reliable for the past 6 months.
I went home worried, sad and anxious to recharge my TH55, and see if I could save it. On the way, I contemplated the possibilities. I could send the TH55 to repairs and revert to my NX73, which is really unstable from all the damaged wire, and only capable of PIM and MP3 playback from the CF slot; I could also try to get a 2nd hand TH55; or I could get a Palm TX which is only half as stable, half the battery life, and don't support the Japanese software I use. But yeah, 2 years after the Clie TH55 came out, nothing on the market is as good.
After I plugged it in and restored the data, my TH55 now seems alive and kicking. Thank god! Hope it can still be my best companion for at least another 3 years.
Posted by intellidryad at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: mood
On communication
我們高中時代,基本上人與人的互動不受重視,除了同學之間外,大家都是自閉的書呆子,只有唸書考試受到重視。上大學後,想恢復跟人之間的互動,不過現在卻主要透過電腦網路:PTT、MSN、email...... 透過網路,其實都是跟平常不太一樣的自己。少了肢體語言、表情、語調(情侶的話,還少了費洛蒙呢XD),只剩文字來傳達訊息。而且,網路溝通(套用電腦術語)就好像多了一層「保護層級」(protected layer),人們可以更輕易的隱藏自己不為人知的一面。
也許,活在網路時代的我們,應該更加重視 in person 的面對面人與人接觸吧。雖然說網路可以節省未了見面所需的交通時間與費用,不過 face to face interaction 才能真正滿足人類對於群體生活的需求吧。
Posted by intellidryad at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: thoughts
Saturday, November 04, 2006
真是慘烈阿,還好我不完全符合這種人的特徵 :P
Posted by intellidryad at 8:18 AM 1 comments
Labels: thoughts