Sunday, February 26, 2006

The provenance of a.m./p.m.

Here's some intresting stuff from my GRE vocabulary studies...

The word root "ANTE", is Latin for "before" or "in front of".

Ante Meridiem, which means "before noon" is abbreviated as "a.m.".
Similarly, "p.m." stands for "Post Meridiem".


Also, some sort of joke
"MAL" , as in "maladies" and "malfunction" means "bad".
But how about the word "male"? Does that mean all men are bad ? :D


各位看官, 給點建議吧
Preface: why protect your knees?



Knowing your derailers

Paddling correctly

How your muscles work

Acknowledge your body's limits


肌肉在正常的適中長度下,肌動(Thick filaments)與肌凝纖維(Thin filaments)間的連結(cross bridges)最多,出力最大﹔在緊繃的狀態下,因肌動(Thick filaments)與肌凝纖維互相重疊部分過多,可以形成的連結(cross bridges)較少,出力效率反而較低。

Friday, February 24, 2006


上週剛買 一青窈的最新專輯:&









Taipei International Cycle Show





95年3月8日(星期三)至10日(星期五)  上午9時至下午6時
95年3月11日(星期六)     上午9時至下午3時


入場券每張新台幣200元 (每日展覽結束前1小時停止售票)

Press release | Map | Site link

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Isolated identity

Great, so I'm one of the "in between" guys.

Being a foreigner studing in Taiwan means no scholarships, no awards and no jobs.

Being an American studing abroad means no American scholarships nor internships either.

My identity is something in between, and there's nothing in between.

Power outage at dorm

The power just went out. All of a sudden everyone started to walk out of their rooms and talk with friends. Everyone depreved of internet access, the normally quiet hallways are now filled with the noise of chatting people. What a difference! Dormmates are finally talking with each other. These guys normally don't talk, they just sit on their seats, their eyes glued to their screens for hours. There's even sounds of playing guitars, fireworks and cheers.

The long lost interactions between humans, deprieved by technology, are ephemeraly restored by the temporary outage of a modern power grid.

Me? Now blogging on my handheld :)

Just went outside to see the commotion. It was full of laughter, full of people, fireworks going of here and there. Someone even put a "firework wand" in front of their bike and rode around, in the end setting the bike on fire accidentally. The atmosphere was totally bacchanalian!

It was said that some TaiPower guy accidentally cut of the power to the whole campus... Geez.



Tuesday, February 21, 2006

PocketMod: The Free Disposable Personal Organizer

It is said to be the next best thing to a PDA. Some even say that it's better then an electronic organiser. Behold, the PocketMod!

Some people just don't like electronic, or some feel that they like the feel of pen and paper. Well, here's a great way to get organised, and save money on dayplanners.

PocketMod is actually a flash application that helps you lay out all the stuff need for your organiser on one piece of paper. You design your own, print it out, fold it, find a pen and get going! You've got no learning curve for input, since it's just pen and paper; it's even lighter then any other organiser you could find on the market, because it's just a piece of paper! So, for all those who want an alternative to pocketbooks and PDA, enjoy!

The definitive Firefox communicator

Upgrade to Firefox 1.5!
In the history of Mozilla, the original Mozilla suite, which originated from the Netscape communitator, in addition to the core browser, consists of an email app, an instant messenger and a webpage editor. Sure, it's rich in features, but it's very big, takes a long time to download, and early versions of it were buggy. Some one came up with the "keep-it-simple" idea, and made a great single purpose browser: Firefox.

But with it's powerful extendable architecture, and the advent of AJAX based web applications, Firefox is now almost the all purpose communicator once again, and with a much smaller foot print on computer system resources. Here's how I did it:

I use Gmail, now that makes a lot of difference. It's one of the best AJAX based web apps I've used. Unlike most webmail interfaces, everything in Gmail responds instaneously, as if it were a mail app on your desktop. You click on a title of a mail, and boom, it expands and is ready for your reading pleasure within less then a second. Everything is where you'd expect it to be. Replys to the same mail stream are grouped together, in what they call: conversations. Right after you finished reading the mail, the reply input box is right there under the mail. And, expected from Google, you can, of course, search your mail and contacts. No more digging around in folders. Because the whole interface is streamlined and carefully crafted for your ease of use, it feels so good that I ditched my real mail apps (Thunderbird on PC and Snappermail on handheld) altogether.
(P.S. need Gmail? I've got some invitations around to share)

RSS feeds:
Well, Firefox covered that right out of the box. They called it: Live bookmarks. Sweet.

Instant messaging:
The best experience here comes from Gmail chat, which is a feature of Gmail. However, all my friend are on the MSN network, and web MSN isn't that good, so I still have to keep my MSN messenger on my desktop. Pitty.

Here's the PCman plugin that lets you use telnet with Firefox. Although sometimes a little buggy, it feels good to have everything under one roof, with the convinence of Firefox's tabbed browsing. I like it.
Mozilla Taiwan 討論區: pcman - ( firefox 1.5 ) 懶人包 by 新注音 新倉頡

What's next?
I recall seeing a FTP extension for Firefox, maybe I should try it sometime.

So, when Firefox does it all, I can eliminate several softwares and keep my system clean and neat.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Yesterday just finished a few minutes ago. Nothing special, no nothing.

But, yeah, you're the invisible guy, remember?

Yeah, the guy who easily blends in and who was always forgotten...

Saturday, February 18, 2006


1. Self-control
I seem to feel much more happier when certain intrinsic desires are inhibited. I on purposely force the unwanted desires out of my ego, into my superego, and with them, getting ridding of the related bad thoughts as well. However, I guess this kind of inhibition needs a clear mind, since whenever I'm tired and overwhelmed with stress, those stupid thoughts start to come back and hector me.

I need to get some good rest, keep a clear mind, and focus on what I have, on what's important, and on the happy side of life.

2. On relationships
Something inside seems to shout at you that you need a mate. You disagree and tell that voice to shut up. For from experience, love only brings sadness and torture while friendships usually brings wisdom and happiness. So you ignore that nagging voice and forcefully set out in search of happiness. However, you still have doubts on how long that voice could be ignored.

3. Back to school
After an insanely busy semester of workaholism and a crazily event filled winter vacation of hedonism, it's back to school again next week. Back to the stressful and lonesome world of study. Hope I could survive without crumbling this semester, since I'd be spending much more time on boring and depressing exam prep.


The firewall of self-protection of the soul is crumbling under the power of inherent desires. Hold on and fight back.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Using the address field of Firefox wisely

The address/URL field, that's where you normally type in the web address of the website your looking for. And I've always used it in it's most traditional and normal way.

However, I noticed that with some sites, like Google or Yahoo, you could omit the "www." and ".com" and just simply typing what's supposed to be in-between. I originaly thought that Firefox just added on the "www." and ".com" for you, but, today, accidentally, I saw what's going on in the status bar at the bottom of the window: when you type a word or phrase that doesn't like an URL, it first tried adding on "http://", then it sent your input to Google, and then shows you the first entry from the Google search! In other words, Firefox clicked on the "I'm feeling lucky" link of Google for you!Also, since it's just a search quary, you could type any language there. You could even get rid of some of your bookmarks.

What if you just wanted to do a google search? There's always the search field on the top right corner of Firefox at your service. But I realized that typing "google ***" (*** being whatever you want to search for), and boom, there it is!

Firefox is sometime much smarter then you think :)
Don't try this in IE, it just takes you to a stupid MSN search page telling you that they can't find what you want. Well to hell with it, who care if MSN search can't find it?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Kids are so cute...


平常無論是系上還是社團, 我的生活圈都是以年紀相近的自然組男生為主
那裡, 則是小五小六小孩子的天地; 工作人員則幾乎都是社會組的女生
不能說哪邊不好, 但真的是個完全不同的體驗

連工作規劃, 開會都是開開心心, 輕輕鬆鬆的
雖然小朋友偶而闖禍會令人頭痛, 但也會因為那神奇的闖禍方式而發出會心的一笑

他們到學校生態池中撈了一堆蝌蚪, 然後帶回寢室玩
因為怕水中氧氣不足, 又撈了一些水草, 晚上還輪流拿手電筒照, 讓它行光合作用
不過也有因為不小心打翻, 而弄濕別人枕頭, 或害蝌蚪乾死的
有拿熱水燙蝌蚪的, 還有拿別人吃飯的晚來裝蝌蚪的

一開始有一個攤位說: "給我2張衛生紙就可以免費玩一次"
我看了他一眼, 他就很老實的說: "因為我要醒鼻涕"
(要不是我身上剛好沒有帶, 我還真的想給他兩張的)

射飛鏢的, 我花200(遊戲鈔)玩2次, 反而贏了500
一開始認真拉客的男孩說: "這樣我們虧錢耶"

我還抽獎抽到一張紙, 上面寫著"餅幹5片"

生意太好的攤位, 價格倍數成長
生意差的, 老闆自己跑掉去玩
還有給人優待券, 然後惡性倒閉不認帳的攤位XD

帶小朋友拆裝車的時候, 他們很明白的說了: "我們只想破壞"

出去騎時, 最刺激
有些小朋友非常不穩, 左晃又晃, 還不敢按煞車, 一直把腳伸下來踩地
還有一個小妹妹, 一出去就從馬路的左邊衝到右邊,
然後又好像打彈珠一樣又彈回左邊, 快撞電線桿時又衝回右邊...
一邊下坡一邊大叫: "這什麼軌下坡? 會死人的!"
然後死命的案後煞, 後輪一直鎖死, 左甩尾, 右甩尾... 但都不會摔

離開童年這麼久了, 又去跟小朋友玩在一起
感受那充滿活力, 古靈精怪, 歡樂, 吵吵鬧鬧的生活
也忘掉平日生活的一切煩惱, 盡情的一起玩樂

Thursday, February 02, 2006

GRE prep: Damn, I'm so in trouble

I just bought that blasted GRE preparation book today, and read through the introductions. As with any exam introduction, it includes examples of the questions that might appear in the test, one for each question type. Going through it, I realized that I don't understand even one of them.

The uncomprehensionable sentances, the never-ever seen words, the twisted logic. The fear added on with each minute I read on, eventually morphing into panic, the panic of the realization of my own weakness.



As I finished the whole introductory literature, I finally calmed down and layed out my conclusions.

  • My poor vocabalary must be improved.
  • I must invest much time and energy in this, compared to GRE, TOEFL is like child's play.
  • The math part of the GRE, however, is so easy that it's almost ignorable.
  • I must further slim down the classes/credits I take for the next semester. This is not a time to take intresting but unnecessary classes.
  • The next helf year of my life would be one of much more cortisol (stress hormone).
  • My temper would be really bad for the next half year.

And my plans:
  • Read a vocabalary builder daily.
  • Dig deep into that book, daily.
  • Find more resources, expecially more books.
  • Although the math part is much more enjoyable, restrict the time invested on it. Of which, my skills should be good enough.
  • Manage time better, throw out the unnecessary, including computer play time and unneeded class taking.
  • Workout a rough schedule for the time I have in the States this summer. Find a slot for GRE test taking and register.
Hope I could pull it off nicely like I did with my high school and university entrence exams. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006








