Monday, January 30, 2006

Happy lunar new year: 過年

過年,沒什麼想做的事,也沒什麼可以做的事。大部分的東西都留在學校的宿舍,如課本,和那該死的生科營網站設計圖(為什麼我忘了帶出來……); 帶出來的只有兩本小說。結果,除夕到初二,除了晚上睡前小小看一點小說外,整天只做三件事: 吃、睡、看電視。

過年,反而成為冬眠,睡眠時間多得像無尾熊。整天頭腦渾沌,肌肉鬆弛,四肢無力,眼皮沉重,就一直睡,一直睡,好像要把過去一個學期所缺乏的睡眠和24學分7重科所耗費的體力全補回來似的。一個癱瘓的身體與一個不斷幻想的頭腦,這幾天做的夢大概有一個禮拜的分吧。有點覺得「過年」,是個浪費時間的東西; 一年之初怎麼可以過得如此痿靡呢?不過過去一年來也真的是有夠累人的,為了將來,也為了忘掉某些東西,發狂了似的,找了一堆事來做,修了一堆重課,累死自己……最後發現不這樣操自己,大概也進不了好的研究所,人生啊!嗯,現在的修習是為了走更長遠的路吧,那麼再多睡一點吧!

家中是不看電視的,妹妹乘過年出來,狂看電視。我則還是比較喜歡網站&PTT(鄉民啊!) 其實真的沒什麼好看的,柯南怎麼看都差不多; 東森「娛樂」新聞爛得無人能比; 連續劇一個比一個芭樂; 台灣的綜藝節目都很無聊; 日本綜藝節目也看膩了。結果過年期間最好看的竟是「功夫」!以前只有卡通裡看得到的搞笑武打招式都以電腦特效在真人電影中重現了,強啊!


On thoughts & languages

I guess it's been a long time since I last blogged in English. How do I decide what language do I blog in? Well, normally, I just write down what's on my mind, which means that I use what ever language I was using in my mind at the moment. Now that brings an intresting question: how do multilingual people decide which language they use to think? I guess most modern people just simply use their mother tongue. But I'm now living in an environment that's using my 2nd language, and there are many things that I don't know how to say in the other language. OK, I think in what ever language I like, sometimes it depends on my mood; sometimes I switch when I don't know how to say it in one language; sometimes I switch when I am reading a book in another language.

This is an age of frequent travel and intercultural interaction. More and more people are equally fluent in multiple languages. Some of them may even have difficulty deciding which is their home country. I guess I might be considered one of these strange people of this awkward age. A life of ambiguity, I guess.

Family trip to east Taiwan2(continued)

東臺灣之旅: 全家出遊版 part 2 ~ (補)


Histerical, totally comical!!!


Friday, January 27, 2006

Family trip to east Taiwan2

東臺灣之旅: 全家出遊版 part 2
(photos here)

接著,來談談拍照吧!這次帶了三台XD 我隨身帶的PDA就拿來亂拍; 輕薄方便的sony F77則拿來當備用; 最後那就是老爸的Nikon D100 DSLR。數位單眼用起來真是爽啊!雖然很重,容易手震; 也因為技術太差,拍了成堆的廢照片。不過,光可以控制那麼多東西,那種in control的感覺就是會令人上癮。而想拍鳥類時也只有單眼相機的超大顆感光元件和拍遠距離用的長鏡頭才能拍清楚。就這樣,我拿D100的次數越來多,F77則逐漸被我拋棄; 不過昨天也因此多了一堆手震糊掉的照片。


昨天經高人指點,今天開始玩快門先決模式。手震和過暗問題,都在調好快門速度和曝光補償後獲得解決。不過,還是因為第一次玩,每拍一張就要調好久好久,然後一直玩trial and error。結果,只要時間不夠,還是要回到全自動模式。以後有錢了再自己買一台單眼自己慢慢玩吧!




第一天住的是宜蘭礁溪的「和風溫泉會館」,有濃濃的日式裝潢,一切走小巧精緻風(旅館建築本身也不大)。其實房間還不小,不過因為有個泡湯用的oversized bath tub,結果浴室超大,聯帶的壓迫了臥室空間。房間內和浴室間的隔間完全用玻璃做的,平時看起來很寬廣,洗澡時則可以拉起窗簾。比較有趣的是,浴室整個也都是透明的,可以邊泡澡邊看外面風景。怕走光的人還是可以拉窗簾,不過我覺得,房間在八樓,而且洗澡時都是霧,應該OK吧。有免費寬頻網路,不過每幾分鐘會自動掛掉,然後,請自己拔線重插﹔說實在的,撥接可能會比這個順一點。這個旅館較奇怪的則是到處都可以出現台階,讓你連在房間內都有跌倒的可能==|||

第二天的,是花蓮市的「藍天麗池酒店」。沒錯,就是市中心中正路上的麥當勞對面的那家!(有特價訂房管道真棒)一般貴一點的商務飯店該有的都有,不過,他們總是能把東西藏在很隱密的地方。例如,刷牙用的漱口杯,明明是四人房,浴室李卻只有兩個杯子,整個房間就是找不到杯子﹔打電話問櫃檯,他叫我們找找電視下面的櫃子(那種地方也能有櫃子?),不過還是找不到。最後,服務人員來了,把手伸到某個台子下面,很神奇的,拉出了一個不像抽屜的抽屜,找到了那兩個消失的杯子!另外,拖鞋,也是隱藏在一個隱密的衣櫥內的黑暗的角落裡!網路,也是有線的。我試著掃掃看有沒有無線網路,卻只掃的到對面麥當勞架的Hinet WLAN,這,當然要錢。有線寬頻,住戶須知中寫著十五分鐘免費,然後一個小時100,不過櫃檯卻說免費,原來文件是舊的。這家有提供單車出租,我想,對於有南濱/北濱公園美麗單車道的花蓮市,提供這服務是必要的。一小時100,乍看之下有點小貴,但到外面一看,有Giant Yukon和 MeMe耶~騎高級單車道果然要高級一點的車。我們沒時間騎,所以沒租,反正我之前也自己騎過了XD

今天,第三天,來到了台東市。這次是「康橋大飯店」。英式造型建築漆成綠色和黃色真是另人汗顏,不過內裝還不錯,而且似乎是新開的,設施都很新。房類也不錯,還有復古風的引水機,不過長得很像點唱機。這裡奇怪的地方除了外表外,進房間到走道床邊,也有一堆陷阱台階,先上升,再下降(門檻),再下降(玄關),再上升(放床的木製台子)。這比礁溪和風還毒啊!這是最新流行嗎?更奇怪的,「溫馨四人房」內竟有免費保險套,嘖嘖嘖!(搞4P啊?)這家可以免費借單車,Giant Action 100校園車,可惜在下雨。另外,除了早餐外,還有免費擔仔麵消夜。最後,從這篇的出現,你應該也能猜中,還是有免費網路(ADSL)。不過還是沒有無線網路,還是不能靠PDA,還好有帶筆電。

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Family trip to east Taiwan

東臺灣之旅: 全家出遊版
(photos here)
在和車社玩了好幾次東臺灣後,這次改和家人一起來。整體而言,感覺真的差很多。光就旅遊型式而言,單車旅行本身就跟坐車差很多。騎單車旅行,在路途中也是在玩; 不但騎車本身是個享受、運動,也因為速度受限、而且人就在戶外,和所在的地方、人們、文化、大地、大自然都少了點隔閡,並且可以細細、用心的去體會身邊的一切。坐車雖輕鬆,不過和外界隔了一扇窗,車速也很快,很多東西都在不知不覺中過去了,不覺得自己在做什麼,就這麼一路睡過去了。一個景點又一個,火速到達又快速離去,到最後空虛的覺得什麼也沒玩到,就這麼回飯店睡了。

不過伙伴也許也有差吧。和車社出遊,在報名前總是會先確認有可以談得開的朋友才報,在路途上就算再無聊也可以找到伙伴聊得很開心。也或許同年紀的人總是很容易嗨吧!家中,父母本來就不是會high的人,跟妹妹也沒什麼共同話題; 一個被ptt鄉民化的死大學生跟一個動漫ㄎㄨㄥ、可以聊的實在是不多。原來社團是這麼一回事。

Monday, January 23, 2006


on Flickr

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Bell Protos

今天發現, Costco 又進一批Bell入門安全帽了
Bell Protos, 629NTD, made in USA!!
全台灣我只知道這裡找得到美國進口的Bell, 其他的都 made in China

不過青少年尺寸較多, 有藍色&紅色&白色; 成人尺寸則有黑色&白色

今天還發現一個裂掉的(哪個死小孩玩的?), 裡面還看的到塑膠骨架耶

Papaya river trip


(照片... is here!)

Day 1

早上5:00起床幫要到車站集合的2人morning call,計畫5:30再叫住學校附近的另外2人。結果清鍊條+上B(手賤XD)5:49才打給柏翰和達逸學弟……我對不起你們!

拍完第一張團照後6:15從校門口出發,約6:45到車站和美聿&蒼蠅開始裝車袋。吃完早餐後大伙抓起黑色不明行李上車。那天的莒光號十分的誇 張,一開始車上就已經沒什麼人了,過了八堵後還全下車,之後我們那節廂簡直就好像被我們包下似的。可以大聲聊天不怕吵到別人,車也不會擋到別人真好。在車 上,美聿拿出後燈的電池,準備要換,之後卻恍神拿出碼表,然後又找出硬幣,轉開電池蓋,正要把後燈電池塞入碼表時才罵一聲「幹!我拆碼表幹麻?」此時碼表 也莫名其妙的掛了!之後雖然在多次reset後回來了,不過里程數不見了,輪徑設定也不知要設什麼(要看說明書中的對照表)……囧


吃完飯,我們把車袋寄回去然後上路,此時雨也停了。回到武嶺時來過的太魯閣,繼續狂拍照。要到沙卡噹溪的河邊,必需從一座橋邊走一個很窄的鐵樓梯下去。偏 偏剛好碰上一大群人來畢旅,害我下去時帶著車抬著前輪被卡在半路動彈不得,等近百人上去。等到我們5人都下到河邊,就開始逸樂的走走停停,每 offroad一段,又停下來拍照。這感覺跟太魯閣主線不太一樣,我們不再是從高處遠遠的往下看; 在這裡,我們更接近河道、更接近山壁,更接近大自然。很可惜因為時間不足,我們必需半徒折返; 而就在折返的過程中,又開始下雨了,我們就十分刺激的在雨中offroad回去。是否該說木瓜溪的詛咒又開始了呢?學期中時訂不到車、木瓜溪坍掉、最後流 掉就夠慘了; 這次來了,又發生了很多事。在沙卡噹要回橋邊時柏翰的前煞卡泥巴,開始磨框,停下來一看發現掛了一邊的彈簧。做完暫時性的調整後,雨變大,大伙在又濕又冷 又餓的狀況下騎到花蓮市; 途中又因水太多,碼表一直接觸不良,柏翰的速度超高(歡樂表!歡樂表!),我的則不時掛零。



Day 2

一早下樓整理車,上油,準備上路。此時發現蒼蠅斷鍊了= =||| 不過柏翰也正好帶了有打鍊器的工具組。嗯,老天沒放棄我們,不但剛好有打鍊器,我很幸運的不但沒把pin打掉,接回去後還沒有死目^^

往木瓜溪的路上,學弟不小心摔車了。人只有小擦傷,但壓到後變,變速掛了!之後我調線張力、上下限、甚至放線重拉,一直調不好。最後發現(是美聿發現的 嗎?忘了)是勾爪彎了!很好,武嶺時看德技玩過的工具組彎勾爪大法竟被我用上了!最後是調好了,不過,學弟的快樂時光只維持了一個下午……


剛過橋見到木瓜溪,一想到說我們是排除了眾多困難才見到它,就感到些許的興奮。不過騎著騎著,竟離木瓜溪越來越遠,到了鯉魚潭了!!我開始覺得越來越奇 怪,於是把手往後面的背包伸,開始邊騎邊找我的PDA,想看地圖。PDA被埋得很深,一直摸不到; 我的速度也因此慢了下來,前面3個不知道路的正往光復前進,一下就不見人影。正著急時,突然『碰,噗斯……卡噹、卡噹、卡噹……』爆胎了,我3天前剛買的 法國輪胎破了……囧。一條頗粗的鐵絲垂直的插在輪胎上,還一直打到車架。我換胎的時候,美聿乘機看地圖,原來我們真的走錯路了。此時前面3個己經騎很遠了 (據說約10km外),等到他們回來,我己換完胎很久了。

往銅門的路是剛過橋後路邊一條很隱密的上坡,難怪沒發現。銅門本身則是個詳和而美麗的小村落,我在此找到了那種久違的樸實感。村中的人都講一種我不認識的 話言,不過用中文還是可以溝通的,而且對我們很親切。銅門派出所的警察們也很親切,除了幫我們辦好入山證外,也熱心的提供了一些入山後的觀光意見和安全注 意事項。

過檢查哨之後不久,路面換成了小小的水泥路面。由於是管制區,幾乎沒車,而且除了發電廠和水泥路面外也幾乎都是自然原始風貌。這裡的路面比昨天的溼也更 滑,不過風景實在是很棒。木瓜溪比沙卡噹溪小多了,但也比那光溜溜的岩壁多了一分綠意。我金黑相間的美利達和山谷交織出一個美麗的畫面。一些小小的岩洞也 為騎乘過程中增添了不少樂趣。只是很可惜只時間不足必需提早回頭。

回程時我、蒼蠅&美聿在半途停下來等能高越嶺過來的緯隆一行4人組,衡較快的柏翰、達逸則先回去找捷安特修車。一陣子後,四個泥人以飛快的速度輪車出現。 兩天就背著睡袋、爐具從西部offroad越嶺過來還能單手offroad邊騎邊拍照……強呀!聊夠了之後我們一起以30km/hr輪車回花蓮。半途看到 美聿跟不上,腦中浮現自己環島時孤單的被拋在後面的畫面……好吧,陪騎再幫忙破風。不過努力拉速度的表情還頗猙獰的……。回到花蓮市,據說柏翰、達逸才剛 到XD 感謝子傑學長請的珍奶,剛飆完車喝這個還真不錯。

傍晚幾乎都在捷安特度過的。據說柏翰的後變彈簧掛了,回來要把後變整個換掉。達逸的變速我不知老闆做了什麼,只覺得我調好的又被老闆搞砸了。達逸還買了顆 貴得要死的無線碼表,功能確少得可憐。蒼蠅換了新鍊條(因沒裝好,將於兩天後又斷掉)。不過我們倒是用老闆的東西清鍊條、飛輪清得很高興。晚上還用跟老闆 要來的一小段鍊條做了幾個鍊條鑰匙圈^^

Monday, January 16, 2006



馬錶不小心reset x1
勾爪彎掉 x1
煞車彈簧掛掉 x1
變速線鏽死 x1
摔車 x1
變速彈簧老化 x1
爆胎 x1
花鼓鬆掉 x1
頭腕鬆掉 x1
斷鍊條 x1

以上, 在我們能力範圍內的皆已解決
剩 變速彈簧老化, 花鼓鬆掉, 頭腕鬆掉 未解決

(可憐的學弟, 碰到這種鳥問題...)



Thursday, January 12, 2006

Life science math exam notes

dP/dt = kP

dP/dt = kP(1-P/M)
k= intrinsic growth rate;
M= carrying capacity of the environment

dx/dt = k1x(1-x-ay)
dy/dt = k2y(1-y-bx)

Predation efficiency: ε
if ε>1, the predator population survives in the long run
dx/dt= k1x(1-x/ε-y)

>Volterra eqnt.
dx/dt = (-a+by)x
dy/dt = (c-kx)y
eq. @ (0,0) or (c/k, a/b)
Laws of Volterra:
1. Flutuations are periodic, the period increases with the amplitude of perturbation.
2. The average predator & prey over a period are, respectively, c/k, a/b

dx/dt = (-a+by)x - H1x
dy/dt = (c-kx)y - H2y
*Harvest is bad for the predator, better for the pray

>Markov process (genetics of inbreeding)
*discrete-time dynamics based on probability, see page 500 in the textbook.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Jan 11, 8:50 AM



Saturday, January 07, 2006

Good bye old friend

It's a day to say goodbye. I've always dreaded this day, but knew it had to come.

Yesterday my Clie NX73v busted my 1gig memorystick again, a sign that I can't go on using it any more. (My clie ate my memory stick...) After about 2 and a half years of use, it's now chiping paint off, has a dead camera, a dead power slider, has a bad connection in the hindge part, has spontaneous crashs due to the shorts in the hindge, a self shorting memory stick slot with read/write errors (which busts sticks), and a shakey CF slot. What's more I was doing extensive use that requires launching huge programs from the card, becaue it has a tiny on board RAM.

I now officially switch to my new TH55, and quite enjoy the huge RAM, which is 3 times that of the NX73. The built in WIFI, the battery life and the new Clie organiser is also superb. However, I miss the brighter and beautiful screen, the thumb board, , the faster CPU, the audio remote, the built-in TV remote IR port and the metalic feel of the casing. There is no doubt that the NX series is the high end, while the TH is the mid end, thus the less features and lower price. But the NX is an older model, starting to feel inadequate for the latest software out there. Expecially when you can now easily find games that is so big that it can't even fit on the NX. I might consider sending the NX73 for repairs once again, but that might cost at least half the price of a TH55, since the problems are quite big, and I've got to send it to Japan.

But for now, I'm using the TH55, experiencing the amazing battery life and smooth operation. Big memory really makes everything smooth, stable and blazing fast, except for the occasions that require faster CPU speeds. At least I'm happy to say that the transition between the 2 devices are very smooth, since they are very similar. Oh well, move on, and wish the TH55 will live long enough till the next dream device (maybe a PalmLinux one?) comes out.

As for my good old NX? It exchanged places with the TH and now takes the place as Dad's "Sudoku machine"! (lol)

Google Goodness at CES

Among all the keynotes at CES, I like Larry Page's keynote best. It's a blend of excitment, coolness and friendliness. See part of it here, where he introduces the Google video store:

The special part of Google video store, is not only the easy way of searching for what you want, which is expected of Google, but some fun innovations, like: they've got a Google video player, that lets you only choose to watch the good part of the program :)

But here's the surprise. You can download to an iPod or a PSP, which means that this is on a colision course with the iTunes video store. And, the video you get at Google is clear and of good resolution for you to watch on your PC; which is, contrary to the pathetic resolution you get from iTunes (only good for watch on a tiny iPod screen) Now, let's see how Steve Jobs is going to react :D
They also announced the Google pack, which is a whole package of what they think are "must have apps" for your PC.
Google Pack
In addition to the great Google colection of freebees, namely, Google desktop, earth, toolbar and Picasa, here's the unexpected:

  • google pack screensaver
  • Get Firefox! with google toolbar!!!
  • Ad-aware
  • Norton antivirus with 6 months of free definition updates!!!
  • Adobe reader 7
Wonder how they get to give out free Norton AV... But Google sure is genorus.

The package comes in the form of a software updater that installs the latest versions of those software, and updates them for you. Anyone who lacks the above tools may get them now. I, however, am not downloading, because I've already got them all, except the screen saver. But it sure feels good to see the coolest company on the web spreading Firefox ^^

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Nature Podcast!

Seems like a promissing scientific podcast, try it out!

The exciting thing about this is that we know that Nature is one of the best scientific journals, and this podcast has interviews with scientists talking about their own research.

This is a British podcast, so get prepared for some British accent.

Working on next summer's research oppertunity

Finally got in touch with a professor at UCLA. He wanted a CV (Curriculum Vitae, the academic version of a resume) and more info about my past research experiences. Now this is getting more and more exciting. My first resume!!!

But then comes the sad part: My CV is nearly empty! Past research experience:1, Publications:0, Awards:0, Grants:0

I guess I'm getting my next bullet point for my next CV with this one, but will this one work? How do you show how good you are when you have no proof? Or is there any thing I missed?

Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's 2006 already...

I remember at this time of year, last year, I listed here a summary of what I did during the past year. I'd like to do that this year, also, but I don't think I'd ever have the time to list them all. All in all, in an approach to fullfill a meaningful life, I stuffed my life full of priorities. Yes the list would be real long, and no, I don't have enough time to finish them all; so yes I screwed up some of them. But anyway, such a shame I couldn't record it now, so much to do...

For goals this year, I've listed them before, but...

  1. summer intern
  2. GRE general test
  3. GRE subject test
  4. send out the application forms for grad school
  5. and, still find time to ride my bike in the midst of all the business :)