跟一群社上的朋友去吃飯, 聊著聊著, 講到誰誰誰電腦裡很多蘿莉圖, 誰誰誰又有點色; 不知怎樣, 就有人說: "松智的電腦應該很乾淨吧?" 學長就說: "我用過, 真的很乾淨"
然後一個女生就問說: "難道你真的是木頭嗎?"...
嗯. 被大家這樣討論真不知道該高興還是傷心?(原來我在大家眼中的形象是這樣...)
當木頭, 算是受過傷之後, 不得已的選擇吧.
為了防止自己傷的更深, 全力清除生活中會讓我想到傷心事的事物. 卻無法徹底清除心中的慾望, 只能把它封印到最深處. 成為木頭, 是個讓希望能自己生活快樂一點的嘗試, 卻也是個無法完美達成的目標.
看著身邊朋友一個一個找到那個值得關懷, 付出, 守護的人
有祝福, 有羨慕; 也有忌妒, 憤怒, 和一份自悲的無力感
自己卻已經失去去尋找那個人的動力與衝勁了, 而開始懷疑她的存在
我唯一能做的, 就只有繼續壓抑自己的情緒, 每多一分鐘不去想它, 就多少一分鐘的痛苦.
只是不知到這樣不斷的壓抑, 抑制, 是否會有什麼不好的結果.
"請你暫時不要理我, 我只是一塊在無情的大海中浮浮沉沉的木頭."
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Posted by intellidryad at 9:04 AM 0 comments
-3個人一起騎, 卻都分別來自3個不同的學校.
-一路聊天過去, 每停一個休息點, 又聊至少十幾分鐘以上才走.
-又吃到思樂冰了^^ 中途經過三峽時為了思樂冰特別鑽入小巷找7-11; 回程時邦尼又再去補了第2杯(辦活動時就以這個為收對點, 來個思樂冰團吧XD)
-里程破百, horray!!!
-除了石門水庫風景區內以外, 全程緩上緩下. 之前一直很虛的體力終於恢復正常了. 我全程有80%以上都掛大盤. (飆車真爽)
-大家團購了2瓶2.2L礦泉水, 再加上思樂冰, 午晚餐麵湯, 額外飲料, 單日每人攝取水分超過2公升. 夏天騎車的開銷真的很大.
-發現我有一個跟清大邦尼一個相同點: 肚子餓了就開始飆車, 看可不可以早點到達有食物的地方.
-赫然發現, 桃園好近, 而石門水庫的南方就是新竹縣界了. 所以, 新竹也很近, 修推來新竹玩吧:D
其實今天的最大收穫是多了一個可以聊得很開的朋友/車友, 並在談話間更了解清大車社(原來他們專門在情人節辦活動的...好人的怨念...我們台大聖誕節也排一個吧!). 期待學期中跟清大一起辦大活動會師^^
Max speed: 58.5km/hr
Odometer : 1982.7km
Distance : 111.05km
Time : 6:20
Avg speed : 17.5km/hr
Posted by intellidryad at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Sony to make SLRs with Konica Minolta
Intresting what they might come up with to take on the much acclamed Nikon and Cannon DSLRs.
Hope this means better choices for all consumers.
However, the name might be a tounge twister.
Lets say the guy in the store told you that there's cammeras from "Sony Konica Minolta" and Nikon, and you now try to guess wither there's 2 brands, 3 brands or 5 brands.
Posted by intellidryad at 7:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Tech in our Lab...
One thing that impressed me when I first met our professor of our lab, was that he used a clie and an iMac G4.
But what's intresting is that a professor seems to have some kind of influance on the others in the lab.
Lets see, there's a total of 3 clies that I knew of in the lab (mine would be the 4th)
Even more impressive is that there's another iMac in the lab as a public computer, and amoung the graduates, an iBook, 2 powerbooks. There's even more people saying that they are planing on buying an Apple as their notebook computer.
So when you have good products, I guess it's good marketing to let leaders use them, and the people that he leads might follow suit. :D
Posted by intellidryad at 4:45 AM 0 comments
最近總覺得只要一離開實驗室, 就變的很...沒精神
排課拖了很久, 拖延了幾個禮拜後, 搞出一個以超重課塞滿20幾學分的自殺課表
社團下學期的活動時間表, 一直停留在暫定的狀態, 有不知要去哪的, 也有不知誰主辦的
社團網頁, 也是一直拖延, 現在又停格在半成品狀態了
到圖書館借了一堆書回來, 結果卻只是借回來占書架空間的, 沒什麼在讀
只要一個人獨處就再度進入無神狀態, 只是掛在電腦前發呆, 或想著自己有多爛
Posted by intellidryad at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 23, 2005
...(好準的星座分析, 正親身體會中T_T)
from: http://tw.mb.yahoo.com/astro/board.php?&bname=152958182&action=m&tid=105424&p=3
disillusioned, no more day dreaming...
Posted by intellidryad at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 22, 2005
WTF, Docs2go kept loosing data!
I've been using docs2go on my clie to take notes on lab work.
Today, it kept quiting it self without saving everytime I open another application.
I guess I reentered some stuff for more then 3 times.
Then, the sad part.
As I just said, I reinstalled the OS on my desktop. So my docs2go desktop app is reinstalled, too. A first sync today right after the reinstallation, loaded 3 duplicates of my labnote file on both my desktop and my clie. But it also restored all 3 duplicates to where I stoped last week. That means a DATA-LOSS of A WEEKS worth! Holy shit!
Alas, I reentered all of what I can remember, but some data are lost forever. but the part that I entered over 3times today is partly documented elsewere, and I remembered every bit of the part that's not documented, thanks for the mutiple inputs that make me memorise them...
I don't think I should sync docs2go anymore, since backing up files doesn't require the mess of syncing.
Posted by intellidryad at 11:48 AM 0 comments
PSP firmware update2.0! (for japan)
(also posted on 1src, read the discussions on 1src)
Here's what I can get with my clumsy Japanese. If you're Japanese, you can read it here:
or better, correct where I'm wrong :)
-A browser (finally! But I doubt it'll be easy to surf the web with a D-pad)
-Jump function?(what's this?)
-A-B repeat (repeat playback between 2 points)
-4:3 video mode added
-Mute function added
-New format supported for the memory stick: MP4(AVC)(what's different from the original?)
-ATTRAC3 format supported for MS PRO DUO with use of Sonicstage 3.2! (Horray! Can we use ATTRAC3 in MS PRO with clies also? :D )
-AAC and WAV file playback supported (great!)
-You can now set wallpapers!
-Photos can be receved(with what? IR photo transfer from a clie?)
-TIFF、GIF、PNG、BMP formats supported
Korean menu option, font selection(I guess), theme settings, browser launch restrictions, security settings, "WPA-PSK(TKIP)" security supported(what?), keyboard input to web supported.
Oh yeah, the update will be avaliable on July 27. The file you get now from the link is ver 1.52.
14MB on the MS needed and the file should be under /PSP/GAME/UPDATE
Wonder if this works on models not bought in Japan, can't find a warning that says you can't.
Posted by intellidryad at 6:51 AM 0 comments
The eXPerience
Here is my "eXPerience"with window$. Since "Micro$oft" used to tout the "new eXPerience" of XP, here's a discription.
(Just reinstalled XP again, and much thanks, it wasted me at lease 7 hours of life, including the reinstallment of my applications and drivers. Yes, my computer is running smooth now, but don't expect it to hold for more then 4 months)
Welcome to the great experience of XP.
It gives you a chance to see the "safe mode" everyday, which you rarely have the chance to see in previous versions of windows.
We've minimized the chance for you to see the infamous "blue screen of death", so that you won't know what hit you when your computer freezes up.
We've also included new features, for example, "system restore", which you well be seeing with every bootup!
New Monthly updates require you to pause your work and reset the system constantly.
Also new, we invite you to experience the world of "reset loops", which is also a new feature! It altomaticaly reboots your computer when you try to turn on your computer, everyday before windows is completely loaded, add tells you that windows didn't successfully load. from here, you have the choice to try the new feature of "system restore", or enjoy the extream security of "safe mode". And also, "reset loops" allows you to enjoy the floating flag of the windows logo several times a day!
But here's the best feature yet! The reset loops make you reinstal windows every six month, which allows you to remember your windows CD key or even be able to recite lots of micro$oft propaganda!
Enjoy your eXPerience with XP!
Posted by intellidryad at 5:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 18, 2005
WTF! "Yet Another Stupid Typhoon" had just passed by.
It provided an additional day off, leaving me with nothing to do but play games on PDA /PSP, or sleep. Since I didn't plan for a day off, and all my unread books and computer files for all the undone work are far away at my dorm, I've simply got nothing to do. It brought almost no wind from a typhoon's standard and lots of rain. It brought back some stupid memories of last year, of the stupid things I did, the stupid phone calls I made, the stupid messages I sent, the stupid thoughts I had... Damn it, will it just go away?
Hated typhoons last year just because some stupid reason. I was the fool. Had no reason to hate them this year, but am still a little down because of the memories.
Posted by intellidryad at 7:39 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2005
pa1mOne name now back to Palm
palmOne Becomes Palm Again
(on 1src)
And a new logo so it can now sell orange soda (lol)
The design fits just right on a can of orange soda, just what I needed for this hot and sweaty summer night!
I still like the good old blue circle better
Posted by intellidryad at 10:58 AM 0 comments
2.土城/新店 (unusable)
3.三峡 (double check滿月圓)
6.福隆露營, 老人自hi2天大活動
7.瑞芳->九份, 維持一天
活動暴力化の始める ○ ̄_
date of sunday | sat | sun | note |
Sep 18 2005 | 1. 北海岸/龍門露營 | 中秋老人自hi団,之後開學 | |
Sep 25 2005 | 士林 | 2. 猫空 by芳諭 | |
Sep 30 2005 | Fri, BBQ by 牧梅&naox | ||
Oct 1 2005 | o1. offroad101 | 淡水by 智誠&naox | |
Oct 9 2005 | b.大活動 | 々by chroma&牧梅 | 國慶3休日 |
Oct 16 2005 | 深坑 | 3. 巴拉卡 | |
Oct 22 2005 | o2. offroad2 | ? | |
Oct 30 2005 | 勉強します | | |
Nov 6 2005 | 期中考 | | |
Nov 12 2005 | b2.宜蘭hybrid | 々by 牧梅 | |
Nov 20 2005 | x | 5. 桃園へ? | |
Nov 26 2005 | 6. 北47/北47-1by deadkid&松智 | | |
Dec 3 2005 | x | o3. offroad3 | |
Dec 10 2005 | 烏来 | (烏来休推) | |
Dec 17 2005 | 7. 瑞芳/九分by 松智and Toby | ||
Dec 24 2005 | ? | | クリスマス前夜祭 |
Jan 1 2006 | 勉強します | | |
Jan 8 2006 | 期末考 | | |
Jan 15 2006 | 花東? | | |
Posted by intellidryad at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 08, 2005
Where've all the portable video players gone?
About half a year ago, when Gates just launched the "Windows portable media stations", hard disk based portable video players were all the rage, with all tech news prodicting it as "the next iPod".
Well, what do we see now? Portable video players are no where to be seen on the news or fourms, already pretty hard to find in stores, and I've never seen one used on the streets. Instead, people are saying that PSPs are great video players and memory sticks are selling like hot cakes. I don't know if people really do watch movies on their PSPs, but I guess sony accidently killed the portable video player market. Sometimes a product is going to die, no matter how the press likes it.
Say, where's the smart phones that they said were so cool? So far I only see ocassionaly, Treos and the Sony Ericsson P series. Where's the others? Shouldn't they be taking the world by storm?
Posted by intellidryad at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Google Earth Rocks!
Want a 3D map+sat photo package? Get google earth for free!
I've located my home, school, and even tried a search for driving directions from my cousin's home to LAX airport! Although it's a little disapointing that detailed read data seems to be only avaliable for the US, which means no driving directions for Taiwan. Anyway, try to let it "play" the directions, and it will take you "flying" from one place to another, it's like riding some sort of floating device in the air :) The driving route it showed took the best route possible, avoiding all the older highways which are heavy with traffic, and the line drown is in such great detail that it reminds you where to change lanes and which ramp to take at highway intersections.
Little problems with it are that parts of the photos are very old (our school's library is still a flat plaza/not built in google earth), some parts not clear, and some other parts covered by clouds. And only the US had the most detail. And, it is heavy on your graphics card and internet grid, since it does a lot of 3D rendering and gets all photos and data from google's servers.
However, it's still a very fun tool. Satalite images were never easier to get.
I've saved the spot of our school, if you can't find NTU, just feed this file into google earth :)
Posted by intellidryad at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
News: Teen slain for his iPod
A sad reason not to buy an iPod?
I don't know, but exchanging a life for an iPod just isn't right.
(news from usatoday.com)
Posted by intellidryad at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Independence day
Forth of July, happy birthday USA!
However, I don't have much to do here in Taiwan...
Posted by intellidryad at 8:23 PM 0 comments
6/30經過一整天很累的爬坡, 終於到達觀雲山莊. 吃完那要用搶的晚餐後, 到大通舖整理一下東西, 並休息了一下. 此時智誠說要出去夜騎看看. 很想夜騎(很想試試新買的頭燈在夜晚的威力), 又以為只到大禹嶺的我就說我也要跟去.
頭 燈裝了新的4顆電池(80元T_T)後輕裝上路. 本來想說要在11:00前回山莊, 就要求要定一個時間折返. 結果心中想著9:30說出來的卻是10:30, 也不知為何當時不想跟智誠更正, 就認了... 一路上狀況很好, 不到30分鐘就到了大禹嶺...原來才4公里而已. 好吧, 就繼續往武嶺殺, 看10:30前能到哪. 大禹嶺有好心人士叫我們要注意夜中高速行駛的"蔬菜運輸車".
從8號切入14甲後, 路開始明顯變陡, 但不知為何狀況真的很好. 除了要運用2吸1吐的技巧多吸點氧氣外, 真的不覺得累. 空氣很涼, 但我那"大賣場100元防風外套"的保暖效果還滿棒的XD. "蔬菜運輸車"果然多, 夜晚中的安全靠口語通報. 跟智誠2人一前一後, 看到前方有轉彎就互相通報方向("turn left"), 聽到或看到有車更是要喊("incomming" , "有車, 距離300公尺" 或 "truck comming, stay out of the curve"), 然後找個安全的地方停下來會車. 就這樣走走停停, 一直休息, 偶而還看看星星, 慢慢的就爬上山了. 山上的星空真的很棒. 在沒車經過時可以說是幾乎完全無光害, 北斗七星, 銀河等都一清二楚. 我還是第一次注意到有些星星真的會明暗閃爍呢! 另外還看到了一顆流星喔, 只不過太快了, 來不及許願...
爬了一段山後忽然發現前方的路段變成很長的下坡, 開始懷疑是否走對路. 智誠只好打電話回去問技師. 一段時間後, 確定沒問題, 就帶著不安的心情滑下去. 然後, 過了氣象觀測站(有個電子看板顯示氣溫12度C)後, 果然不出所料的出現超陡坡. 這超陡坡果然毒, 之前的輕鬆都不見了, 開始累了, 而且左小腿腓腸肌開始痛了, 而且風超大的, 還要不時下車躲卡車, 在陡坡上又很難上車...真的不好騎. 過了一段度日如年的爬坡時光後, 又見到了下坡...此時心裡只想著"Oh man, not again, 又要浪費未能再繼續爬了喔...武嶺怎麼這麼遠?" 但智誠卻發現旁邊有個不起眼的小樓梯. 停下車, 爬上去, 手電筒一照, 竟看到了...一個熟悉的牌子, 上面寫著斗大的兩個字"武嶺"! (哇! 2日上武嶺耶^^)本來計畫要在山上大喊一聲"幹"以發洩過去一個學期的怨念的, 卻過度興奮, 對天大喊了2句我自己也不記得的瘋言瘋語. 只記得第一句好像是類似某連續劇中女主角看到愛琴海時喊的東西XD(好啦, 我已經瘋了) 山上的星空再加上天氣的配合更美麗了, 遠方暗暗的山丘也很漂亮, 再加上乾淨的空氣, 真是棒極了. 沒帶相機或PDA出來還真是可惜... (真希望有個女友可以分享這份喜悅)
在 觀景台上hi完後, 準備快樂的滑下山, 沒想到卻是災難的開始. 首先我的後燈沒電了. 然後滑了幾公尺後, 前燈也掛了. Great, just great. 運氣真好. 只好拿出鑰匙圈上的單顆LED照路(可見度比鹵素前燈少了至少2/3)然後靠智誠借的頭燈滑下去. 此時的前燈很怪, 休息過一陣子又亮了. 本來以為過熱, 燈泡拿出來卻冷冷的(後來問技師才知道其實是電池沒電了, 然後過一陣子又有電了). 然後, 過了氣象觀測站開始爬坡時連智誠借的頭燈也掛了. 結果兩個人很寒酸的靠著一顆LED慢慢往上爬...到了下坡路段時我忽然發覺, "蔬菜運輸車"好亮啊. 有些為了夜間安全還全車為了7彩小燈泡, 有如電子花車. 於是我們兩個就趁著下坡還跟得上卡車速度的路段, 貼著卡車的屁股走, 有如吸盤魚吸在鯊魚身上一般. 不但借用它的照明; 有對向來車時不用躲, 它幫我們開路; 卡車後面甚至還會排熱, 完全不怕冷; 唯一的缺點就是必須要多吸廢氣.
再回到8號公路後, 因為我自己記錯觀雲山莊的里程, 智誠又認錯"山莊", 結果迷路在觀雲山莊和大禹嶺間短短的4公里...現在想起來還蠻搞笑的. 打了好幾通求救電話回去, 又一邊幾找路. 此時還要輪流開頭燈輪流"休息頭燈". 然後又在對自己的直覺信心不足的情況下, 竟在到達觀雲山莊前半公里折返, 一直到"再度遇見大禹嶺"後才搞懂自己在轉圈圈. 回去後又衝過頭幾公尺, 因觀雲山莊把招牌的霓虹燈關了. 在路口見到文三錩等人所組成的搜救大隊, 真是太感動了. 還聽說他們走了一公里, 還被一群狗包圍, 真是對不起大家.
為大家帶來的麻煩與不便非常抱歉. 回去後只有冷水澡可以洗也可以算是種懲罰吧.
第二天早上要跟大家一起上山時, 發現自己已經把體力在前一天晚上用完了, 一路上像個需要散熱的野狗狂喘氣, 慢慢龜上山...這才是耍笨最直接的報應啊~~
Posted by intellidryad at 9:08 AM 0 comments
The movie of Narnia in the works!
Just found out that the classics of C.S. Louis are being filmed into a new movie, with the first of the 7 parts, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, comming out this Christmas. The director is Andrew Adamson, who directed the Shrek series, and like the Lord of the Rings, it's filmed in New Zealand(with some parts in Cezch). The effects and sceneary in the trailer are beautiful and ashtonishing, reminding me once again of The Rings trilegy, and yes, the creatures are almost like what I expected them to look like when I read the stories. Since there are 7 books in all, I guess this would be yet another sequel series just like Herry Potter and the Lord of the Rings. However, I'm already sold when seeing the trailer on apple's quicktime movie directories, and really think this is a movie to be excited about. Also, I'd really like to see how they interprited the story. I'd really hate to see another movie that does as bad a job at story telling as the Herry Potter movies, which had a lot of the important info stripped out.
By the way, if you haven't read the book, read it. Although a child's book, it's still a masterpiece.
As for the trailer, see it here.
Posted by intellidryad at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 01, 2005
I'm back. Was really a good trip.
Here's my photos
Posted by intellidryad at 8:44 PM 0 comments