由於選課時間已過, 為免我的課表被挪作他用(如摸清某人底細以利虛擬綁架詐財)
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
delete notice
Posted by intellidryad at 8:27 AM 0 comments
心得: 有機讀書會結束了...
耶, 終於念完了. 今天講到課本的最後一個章節時, 有種莫名的成就感.
上個學期結束時, 還是對有機沒什麼感覺. 念了半天, 結果考期末考時, 竟對考題感到陌生, 感覺好像沒念過一樣. 最後還很心虛的拿了6字頭的學期總成績. 難道這就是一學年的東西在一學期內塞完&小小打混的加成效果?
雖然我是在大家已經進行一半時(7月底)才加入的, 也因此沒有機會上臺導讀. 但還是感覺效果不錯. 雖然如果叫我明天就去考試, 我可能還是會爆; 但至少現在已經對the big picture 較有概念了, 感覺比暑假剛開始時踏實多了. 感謝各個導讀人的付出, 更感謝taco發起這個讀書會.
讀書會若有好的組織和規劃, 還真的會有很好的效果.
Posted by intellidryad at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Netscape7.2 fresh from the oven...so should I upgrade?
While adding the "Get Netscape" link to my template
yesterday, I noticed that Netscape7.2 is already
avalible for download. While still happy with 7.1 ,
it's always nice to have something new to play with.
But most of the feature on mentioned on the site are
already present in 7.1, with this new version, I guess
all you get is faster speed& unnoticable minor tweaks.
And what I'm concerned of is 7.2 maybe won't accept my
old theme that I used with 7.1. But it might also be
another "under promoted" great product. So I guess
I'll get 7.2 and play with it for a while, and maybe
write a review after that.
Posted by intellidryad at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2004
連續一個禮拜每天到校上班, 衝完道具組之後, 各個活動練完又練, 驗完又驗; 無數的練習, 無數的驗收, 讓我越來越煩...
結果今天練早操一和二時當了逃兵, 在漁房睡大頭覺.
完了, 我竟在宿營一個禮拜前失去了動力.
雖然知道當活動結束後, 一切的努力都值得了
Posted by intellidryad at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 27, 2004
心情: 死撥接...
Posted by intellidryad at 10:11 AM 0 comments
Comment: The battle of handheld devices
There are 2 kinds of smart phones: the phones with all the whistles and bells(well the more common kind), and the PDA phone combos(like the treo & the P900) With the first kind, I think they are still just phones, and I would never want to "multi tap" everything into my datebook or todo list with a phones' tiny number board. As with the second kind, by the standards of a phone, they are bricks; but on the other hand, their tiny screens would never compare to my NX73's 320x480 transflective LCD--both are too small.
And with the battle of OS, I still prefere PalmOS's simplicity. I would hate to tap that many times (starting from that crazy start menu) to get what I want. And I certainly wouldn't want to "release memory" once in a while just because programs are still running in the background after you thought you told it to exit. As with SymbianOS, yes, much simpler than "You know what"OS, but I guess it supports too little software, they are still catching up. As for multimedia, yes that was once a weakness of palm, but not after the OS5 clies came out. I think clies' software does much better then PPC's media player.
After a year happy with my clie NX73 and a black and white screened simple PHS(not GSM) phone with email capability, I think phones should still be phones, and PDAs still do better in everything else you would expect from a great hand held device.
Posted by intellidryad at 9:43 AM 0 comments